Learning is enhanced by utilising multiple (and different) coding styles – that’s why we make videos in addition to writing articles. Psychology Podcasts are also a great way to learn more about an area you are interested in.
The wonderful thing about podcasts is that often you get the opportunity to hear how professional psychologists apply theory to everyday situations. We hope that our selection of Psychology podcasts fuels your interest in Psychology and brings the theories and research to life.
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PsychCrunch is the podcast from the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest. Each episode discusses findings from psychological science and whether it can make a difference in real life. Free articles add further depth to each episode.
Presented by Psychologist and Journalist, Claudia Hammond, All in the Mind is the BBC’s Psychology Podcast ‘exploring the limits and potential of the human mind’.
ABC’s All In The Mind talks to specialists about applying their area of expertise to real-life situations. The podcast focuses on the brain and behaviour, and the links between the two.
Shrink Rap Radio is the podcast baby of ‘Dr Dave’, Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Sonoma State University. The episodes feature interviews with practising psychologists across various approaches.
The Psych Files has been podcasting since January 2007. The podcast is consistently ranked in the Top 10 iTunes Higher Education category and each The Psych Files episodes have been downloaded more than 14 million times.
Invisibilia is Latin for ‘the invisible things’, and this podcast hosted by three award-winning NPR journalists, weaves human stories with fascinating psychological and brain science.
Using science and storytelling, Hidden Brain reveals the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, the biases that shape our choices, and the triggers that direct the course of our relationships.
Two Guys on Your Head is a popular Psychology Podcast, hosted by Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke. Each week. the two psychologists apply psychological thinking to real world situations.